Experienced Invisalign® in Schenectady

Having a straight, uniform smile can help boost your confidence and improve your dental health. If you're interested in straightening your smile but aren't excited about wearing braces, Invisalign clear braces provide an effective alternative. If you are considering Invisalign treatment, our team at Padula Family Dentistry can help you determine if it is the right choice for you. We provide Invisalign treatment in Schenectady for adults and responsible teens with mild to moderate bite issues. Our team is committed to helping you achieve your best smile through personalized treatment. We use the latest technology to create your custom aligners, and we will work with you every step of the way to ensure that you are satisfied with your results. Contact us today to schedule an appointment if you'd like to know more about Invisalign services!


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an innovative dental solution that straightens teeth using a series of clear aligners. The system has proven more successful than traditional braces due to its many benefits. There are no metal parts or wires in the Invisalign system, thus no mouth and gum irritation. Invisalign treatment is also discreet and comfortable. Additionally, Invisalign aligners are removable, so you can eat and drink whatever you like!

Fixing Dental Issues With Invisalign

Our goal is to provide the results you or your teenager seek and prevent future problems. With Invisalign, your teeth will gently be moved into the desired position using custom trays that apply precise pressure. We will create a treatment plan if your teeth have any underlying dental issues. Some problems that Invisalign can resolve include:

  • Crooked Teeth: These are misshapen teeth that may negatively affect the appearance of your smile and may impede the function of your bite.
  • Crowded Teeth: Among the causes of crooked teeth are inadequate space for all teeth to fit and poor myofunctional habits.
  • Dental Gaps: While not all gaps require correcting, shifting the teeth to provide more even spacing can improve your bite and reduce uneven wear on your teeth.
  • Underbites: When the bottom jaw forwards too far, the lower teeth appear in front of the upper teeth, resulting in an underbite.
  • Overbites: The upper front teeth cross over your lower front teeth when you have an overbite.

Invisalign in Schenectady: What to Expect

Schenectady Invisalign servicesOur Invisalign treatment begins with an oral health assessment to determine whether you are a good candidate. Once you qualify, we take detailed impressions of your teeth and tell you what to expect from wearing aligners. Our team forwards the impressions to a trusted lab for fabricating your new aligners.

You will come to our office to pick up your aligner trays once they are ready. At your first appointment, we'll discuss how to wear them and what to expect each week. To achieve the best results, you need to wear your aligners for at least 22 hours every day. Every 4-6 weeks, we will check your progress and make any necessary adjustments. We'll switch to a new set of aligners every couple of weeks. Our Schenectady Invisalign dentist is always available if you have questions during your treatment.

The Benefits Of Our Invisalign

If you're debating between choosing Invisalign or traditional orthodontics, you're likely interested in knowing what the advantages of Invisalign would be. Here are just a few of the benefits of using clear aligners:

Efficiency: Invisalign's treatment time is often shorter than traditional braces, with most completing their treatment between 6-18 months.

Aesthetics: By wearing Invisalign aligners, you won't have to worry about your appearance or your treatment being noticed. Our Invisalign treatment offers both convenience and natural aesthetics. We will design your trays to be nearly invisible so they will blend right in with your smile!

Comfort: If you use our Invisalign, there will be no sharp metal edges or surfaces that could cause irritation or injury. Instead, you can expect a comfortable fit. The first time you wear a new set of aligners, you may feel some pressure or discomfort, but it will subside within a couple of days.

Removable: Our Invisalign treatment is removable, so you don't have to change your diet. Also, you can brush and floss easily without any special tools.

Taking Care of Your Aligners

Maintaining good oral hygiene and cleaning your aligners regularly is essential to achieving the best results. Be sure to remove your aligners while eating and drinking to avoid damaging them and clean your teeth and aligners before reinserting them. Keep a case handy to store your aligners when you need to remove them for eating or brushing. If you lose an aligner set or tray, use the previous ones to prevent losing progress and contact our office immediately.

Exceptional Schenectady Invisalign Services for Your Best Smile

Padula Family Dentistry is proud to offer Invisalign services in Schenectady to help patients achieve their best smile. With Invisalign, you can straighten your teeth comfortably and conveniently without traditional braces. We are happy to answer any of your questions and help you determine if Invisalign is the right choice for you. Get in touch with us today to schedule your appointment.



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